40+ Sims 4 Trait Mods
Looking for the best Sims 4 trait mods to help customize your sims?
These 41 Sims 4 trait mods are perfect to add to your game if you’re trying to build more engaging, dynamic sims.
Most of these are focused on adding traits inside CAS that you can pick from, but there are a few mods that can help you add MORE traits to your game, and assign them in other way.
If you want to expand your game, these are the Sims 4 trait mods for you.
Best Sims 4 Trait Mods
1. Editor’s Pick: 100 Base Game Traits Pack by Vicky Sims
I’m normally someone to recommend downloading smaller packs because I like to pick and choose, but if you’re brand new to custom traits this 100 Base Game Traits Pack is perfect for you.
From light-hearted to neurotic, this pack has a TON of traits that you might recognize from previous versions of the game.
These traits are essentially separated into 5 different sections, including:
- Stimulation and emotional response
- Defining extroversion, social image, and social behavior
- Expressions in intimate relationships
- Subjective qualities of Sims’ appearance
- Talents and weaknesses that a Sim is born with
I really like the variety that this pack gives you, if you’re just getting started this is a perfect place to start making your mark and customizing your sims. Pair this pack with a custom loading screen and CAS background for the ultimate personalized game.
Lifestyle Traits
2. Shy Trait by MarlynSims
The Shy Trait does exactly what the name implies, makes social interaction a little harder for your sims.
Those with this trait will learn skills like charisma at a slower rate, and it’ll take longer to build relationships with people. However, relationships with animals develop faster.
3. Glamorous Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
Sims with the Glamorous Trait have an easier time climbing the social ladder, making friends and getting famous. You’ll need both Get Famous and Vintage Glamour for this trait to work, but sims who have this can:
- Learn Charisma 1.5x Faster
- Gain Fame 1.5x Faster
They love to talk about their glamorous lifestyle, and get a kick out of throwing parties, interacting with their butlers and spending money.
4. Book Smart and Street Smart Traits by Jane Simsten
The Book Smart and Street Smart Traits are a great way to up your gameplay.
Each of these traits learns a collection of skills faster, those with book smarts learn better from reading while those with street smarts learn better skills of action.
5. Grandparent Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
If you’re trying to structure your gameplay a certain way, the Grandparent Trait might come in handy. It’s ideal for grandparents who like to help raise their grandchildren, and can help build you an overall stronger family tree.
Those with the Grandparent Trait learn the parenting skill faster, they can help with the kids, and, most importantly, they want to talk about their grandkids. It’s great if you want to build a strong, extended family bond.
6. Zodiac Trait Pack by SkillfulSimmer340
If you’d like Zodiac signs to play a big part of your game, this trait pack is for you.
It features all 12 zodiac signs, and each is as unique as the sim who has it. The sim’s Zodiac trait that you assign will impact their personalities in significant ways. For example, a Pisces sim will learn logic and creativity faster than other sims while a Virgo will grow both their comedy skill and work ethic faster.
I like this trait pack because it’s a great way to make a big impact on your personality with one simple trait addition. Pair it with the Zodiac makeup for something truly personalized.
7. Feminist Trait by MarlynSims
For those that want to add a little activism into your game, the Feminist Trait is a good pick.
Sims with this trait believe that men and women should have equal rights, and they’re able to do 7 new custom interactions and receive 13 custom buffs.
8. University Trait Pack by PimpMySims4
For those that want to make their post secondary experience better, this University Trait Pack comes in handy. It features 5 traits, including:
- Coffee Addict
- Sorority Sister
- Frat Boy
- Studious
- Cognitively Impaired
While you probably won’t want to keep this trait for your sim’s whole life, it could make the university period more exciting.
9. Girly Girl Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
Girly Girl sims LOVE to embrace femininity. They enjoy wearing makeup, heels and dresses, and they have the ability to talk about fun girl things. It’s worth noting that you’ll need Get Famous, Get Together, Spa Day and Vintage Glamour for this trait to work.
10. God/Goddess Trait by EmpressFae
The God/Goddess Trait is perfect for those that don’t want to do those piddly things like eating or going to the bathroom.
This trait means that your sim doesn’t need to fill their hunger, bladder or energy needs. This trait also lets sims gain wellness, fitness, and charisma skills faster.
11. New Emotional Traits by Kuttoe
If you’re looking for a few more emotional traits this pack is perfect for you. I’ll admit that these aren’t all the “nicest” traits you could give your sims, but the pack comes with 10 different emotional traits, including:
- Arrogant
- Calm
- Coward
- Daydreamer
- Egghead
- Insecure
- Oblivious
- Perky
- Restless
- Stoic
Each of these traits can be used on sims from children to elders, and you only NEED the base game for them to work – but additional packs will likely help them build out more.
12. Gold-digger Trait
The Gold-digger Trait is PERFECT for sims that are itching to marry for money. This trait is for sims that want to live a high-end lifestyle filled with gifts, money and things, without having to put in the extra work.
13. Househusband Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
Perfect for setting up a gameplay storyline, the Househusband Trait can be assigned to a sim who’s planning on being the more domestic of the relationship. Sims with this trait learn the following skills 1.5x faster than normal skills:
- Baking
- Cooking
- Gourmet cooking
- Parenting
These type of sims are excited by family-orientated whims like making a group meal, encouraging the kids and playing dolls with toddlers. For the sim that’s going to stay at home with the family, this is the ideal trait. There’s also a matching Housewife Trait if you’re interested.
14. Curious Trait by UniSims
The Curious Trait is perfect for sims that are interested in the world around them. These sims can be inspired by their surroundings or get bored if there’s not enough happening. They like trying new things, tend to find things out more quickly, and are no stranger to danger!
15. Daydreamer by CatiSims
The Daydreamer trait is perfectly fit for someone like (real life) me. These sims rarely get bored, but are easily distracted by their daydreams.
These sims are VERY creative, and are always happy to self-entertain and come up with amazing ideas.
16. Hipster Trait by ZombieFodder
The Hipster Trait is the perfect match for shutterbugs with baggie beanie hats. Because these sims are cooler, their creative skills gain faster (especially when they’re snapping photos).
However, it’s worth noting because these sims are really too cool they tend to bored, but they can “listen deeply to music” and be snobs!
Skills, Career & Hobby Traits
17. Author Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
The Author Trait is perfect for sims that LOVE writing and want to make a REAL job of it. You’ll need both Parenthood and City Living for this to be functional.
Your sims will get buffs when they do writing-related activities, like writing a letter or blogging about feelings. Author sims can also talk about books and discuss famous authors.
18. Green Thumb Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
The Green Thumb Trait is perfect for sims who love to garden. Sims with these traits are great gardeners, and find solace and comfort when they’re gardening.
They get good buffs when they garden, can give gardening advice and have a few special interactions. Finally, they often have garden-related whims.
19. Pastry Lover Trait by Caradriel
Sims that have the Pastry Lover Trait enjoy eating and making pastries, it’s the perfect addition for your baker sim. With this trait your sims can:
- Attend a baking class (it’s a rabbit hole)
- Watch baking on the tub
- Participate in a baking TV show (also a rabbit hole)
It’s a great way to fire up your passion for baking, perfect for those sims that love a good kitchen.
20. Born Salesperson Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
For sims that get their career kicks from retail sales, the Born Salesperson Trait is for you.
These sims LOVE to earn money, and they get pleasing buffs when they’re on retail lots that they own. Most whims are money-related, and you can give out financial advice!
21. Shutterbug Trait by Marlyn Sims
For those that love a good photo, the Shutterbug Trait is perfect for you. Not only does this trait allow your sim to learn photography faster, but you can earn up to 4x more by practicing it.
If you’re a practicing freelance photographer, this still will allow you to grow your skill and career 1.6x faster.
22. Llamacrat & Plumbobican Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
You’ll need either the Llamacrat, Plumbobican or Simdipendant trait if you’re going to play the active politician career (by the same modder).
Your sim can only have one of these, but they work really well with the politician or activist careers. If politics is the name of the game for your storyline, I highly recommend grabbing these and the active political career.
23. Space Lover Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
The Space Lover Trait is perfect for those sims interested in rocket science, as they’ll be able to learn the skill 2x faster.
If you’re itching to explore Sixam or simply want a hella nerdy sim that could one day head to space, this is the trait for you.
24. Savant Trait by Shimrod101
The Savant Trait is perfect for those that need to skill up fast. It’s essentially built to help sims learn traits faster than the average sim – either 5x or 12x faster.
You’ll need to choose ONE of the files that you’re interested in, you don’t need both in your game.
25. Farmer Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
The Farmer Trait can give a game boost to those that love using the Cottage Living EP (my personal favorite). Those with this trait learn both gardening and fishing 1.5x faster than your average sim. It’s perfect if you’re trying to make a living running your own farm.
It’s a great trait to bundle with some of those other outdoor traits for truly immersive gameplay. For the farmer trait to work, you’ll need a few expansions, including Outdoor Retreat, Seasons, and Cats & Dogs.
26. Retiree Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
You’ll need to have Outdoor Retreat, Parenthood and Spa Day for the Retiree Trait to work, but it’s well worth it.
This trait is all about living your best life, especially if you’re an elder sim. Sims with this trait love to get massages, help with the grand kids and putter around the house, it’s perfect for some laidback and cute gameplay.
27. Pastor Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
The Pastor Trait is a handy little trait for those that want some religion in their gameplay.
While you can’t actually pastor a church (unless you have the Get to Church Mod), you can do a little Bible quoting and spiritual encouragement with this easy little download.
You’ll need Get Famous and Parenthood for this trait to work.
28. Gamer Trait by Pastel-Sims
The Gamer Trait is the PERFECT pick for any sim that’s planning on making money as a simfluencer, video creator or even just play for fun. Sims with this trait have very little need or desire for social skills, instead they’re focused on hacking, programming and gaming.
29. Career Oriented Trait by SkillfulSimmer340
The Career Oriented Trait is perfect if your sim’s a bit of a workaholic. These sims take their sims seriously, and often become very inspired at work.
They LOVE having side jobs in order to make extra money, and overall enjoy working. Perfect for the restauranteur.
Traits For Custom Kids
30. Toddler Traits by Vicky Sims
Toddlers have meh traits in the game, thankfully that’s where modders come in to save the day. The Toddler Traits pack gives you 20 new traits to pick from for your little guys, including:
- Adorable
- Always Hungry
- Always Sleepy
- Bubbly
- Carefree
- Communication Developmental Delay
- Curious
- Difficult Temperament
- Easy Temperament
- Frisky
- Imagination Developmental Delay
- Imaginative
- Intelligent
- Movement Developmental Delay
- Plucky
- Quick Learner
- Slow-to-warm-up Temperament
- Spoiled
- Talkative
- Thinking Developmental Delay
You can add these traits via the reward system or right in CAS. They are ALL base game compatible and come with their own cute buffs for a more personal gameplay.
31. Toddler & Infant Trait Bundle by Snowiii95
All of the traits in the Toddler & Infant Trait Bundle are base game compatible, and perfect for your smaller sims. This mini pack adds 7 new traits to your game, including:
- Always happy
- Bookworm
- Bossy
- Creative
- Fast Learner
- Naive
- Stranger Danger
This is a great pack because I don’t feel like there are enough traits for the little guys in the game. While they might not be the most complex creatures emotionally, these can help make them more dynamic.
32. Teen Exclusive Traits by Triplis Sims 4 Mods
These 8 Teen Exclusive Traits are perfect for those that want a bit more customization to their high school game play. With this pack you get the:
- Frenzied Rebel Trait
- Living Instrument Trait
- Walking Punchline Trait
- Perpetual Motion Trait
- Emotional Conduit Trait
- Electric Sliderule Trait
- Relentless Tease Trait
- Goody Two Shoes Trait
Each of these traits can help you bridge a more distinct teenager for high school, creating a sim that’s more age-appropriate (and fun to play). Each of these traits features their own buffs and moodlets, which can heighten your overall gameplay.
Health-Related Traits
Please note that the following traits could be triggering for some players. If you aren’t confident you’ll be OK playing with them, please don’t download them.
33. PTSD Trait by MarlynSims
The PTSD Trait is another one designed to bring a little more mental health awareness and realism to the game.
Your sim will can go to rabbit hole PTSD therapy session to help manage their symptoms, and they have an 8% chance of recovering. Relationships with people will also grow slower, but those you have with pets should be gained faster.
34. Bipolar Trait by Simularity
The Bipolar Trait offers a little bit more realistic gameplay, it adds big emotional swings, randomized wants, and varying need decay, among other things. This is NOT going to be the best custom trait download for everyone out there, but it could be the right pick for some simmers.
It’s worth noting that some of the moodlets that come with the Bipolar Trait could kill your sim via an emotional death. It’s recommended that you download MCCC and turn off emotional deaths to avoid any unnecessary deaths in gameplay.
You can access resources for sims with the bipolar trait via Simularity’s Psychotherapy and Telehealth mods. Honestly, I LOVE added healthcare features for more realistic gameplay.
35. Seasonal Affective Disorder Trait by Simularity
The Season Affective Disorder (SAD) Trait is built to mimic SAD, a type of depression that’s tied to different seasons, hence the fact that it requires the Seasons EP to function. You can add this trait to sims from teen to elders.
Essentially this trait gives your sims low-grade depression during the summer and winter seasons with a chance of having a more severe reaction. Their autonomy changes during those season, they might become hungry or tired faster (or less so), and there are related whims for all seasons.
36. Immunocompromised and Chronically Ill by BossLadyTV
For sims with more dynamic health, you can add the Immunocompromised and Chronically Ill traits to your game.
These will give you the ability to provide more realistic characters for your gameplay. For these traits to be functional, you’ll need to have the Strangerville EP.
37. Asperger’s Syndrome Trait by JimBoblia
For those that want autism added into their game, there’s the Asperger’s Syndrome Trait. It’s worth noting that this trait will NOT be representative of everyone with Autism, nor is it meant to be – it’s simply meant to add a little more into your gameplay.
This trait can be given to sims that are toddlers or older. Social skills will develop slower with this strait, but they’ll be more inclined to mental and logical pursuits. They’ll also be great at training pets and faster to form bonds with animals.
38. Clinical Depression Trait by Simularity
The Clinical Depression Trait attempts to mimic real-life clinical depression and add it right into your game. With this trait, sims will experience a varying degree of depression, and whims will pop up that can help alleviate sadness or help with needs.
You can add this trait from any sim, child to elder. Depressed sims might have increased autonomy for sleep, often taking naps, and they may try to self-medicate with drinks. It’s also easier to make social missteps when a sim is depressed.
39. Agoraphobia Trait by Simularity
The Agoraphobia Trait is ideal for specific gameplay. Sims with this trait feel scared when they’re away from home, better with support animals around, and have slow social decay. It matches perfectly with the Telehealth Psychotherapy Mod (from the same creator)
This is not going to be the ideal trait for all simmer’s out there. If you think this will negatively affect you or your game play, skip it. There are 2 versions of this mod, download the Cats & Dogs version if you have the EP for a support animal buff!
40. Eternal Youth and Immortal Traits
If you want your sims to live forever then the Eternal Youth and Immortal Traits are both buyable and help you live longer.
Those with the Immortal Trait will live forever, while those with the Eternal Youth Trait won’t age but can die other ways. You can also get an immortal trait for your pets too!
How to Add More Traits in CAS
More Traits in CAS by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii
The More Traits in CAS Mod adds 1 to 2 more traits to your sims panel in CAS, depending on the age group you’re working with. You don’t have to use all of these traits, but it does give you an opportunity to build more of a personality for your sim,
More CAS Traits Mod by Vicky Sims
The More CAS Traits Mod by Vicky Sims allows you to not only add more traits, but you can do so even after you’ve moved out of CAS. With this trait mod you can pick from 30 different options that vary how many traits your sims can have.
Final Thoughts: Sims 4 Trait Mods
If you’re looking to spice up your game so you can build more dynamic and personalized sims, these Sims 4 trait mods are PERFECT for you.
I love the variety of options out there for you to choose from, regardless of the age gap or personality style. I happen to love traits that are more dynamic and whimsical. But ANY of these traits can add some levels to your game play.
Whatever you might have in mind, it’s definitely out there for you.