25 Best Sims 4 Woohoo Mods to Spice Up Your Game
Looking for the best Sims 4 woohoo mods to spice up your game?
There are plenty of ways your Sims 4 game could be more… personalized and interactive, especially in the bedroom (or dumpster, if you catch my drift).
If you’re looking to add a little more s*x appeal to your game, or you simply want your sims to have a more realistic life experience, then these are the mods for you. From online dating to menstrual cycles, these mods help you create a game you truly feel part of.
These are my FAVORITE sims 4 woohoo mods, which do you want to try out first?
Best Sims 4 Woohoo Mods

1. Editor’s Pick: Pregnancy Woohoo Wellness Mod for Sims 4 by Lumpinou
If you want to add only a single mod (sort of) that will have a massive impact on your gameplay from woohoo to childbirth then the Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection is for you.
I like this woohoo mod because of the customization it includes. You can download ALL of it or some of it, which allows you to tailor your gameplay to what you want it to be. The modules you can (but don’t have to) download include:
- Pregnancy & Family Preferences / Reactions / Impact
- Fertility & Protection
- WooHoo Transmitted Diseases
- Paternity Testing & Drama
- Teen Pregnancy & Gameplay
- Temporary Separations / Relationship Breaks
- Jealousy & Cheating (Infidelity) Expansion & Overhaul
- Insemination & Surrogacy
- Adoption Expansion & Overhaul
- Custody & Permanent Separations
- Termination of Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Side-Effects
- Miscarriages & Pregnancy Loss
- Pregnancy Tweaks & Special Pregnancies
- Romances & Friendships
- Dating App: Meet&Mingle!
- Charm & Chemistry: Attraction System
- Expanded WooHoo: New WooHoo Options
- Adult Life: WooHoo Drive, Roles, Styles & Preferences
I like that each of these modules can stand alone, so long as you have the core library downloaded, but they also all work together. This is a really great mod collection that can add a little bit to every aspect of your gameplay from online dating to new woohoo options.

2. Wonderful or WickedWhims by TurboDriver
While I believe both WonderfulWhims and WickedWhims could have their own spots on this list, you can’t have both and I don’t want it to be confusing. So, you can pick EITHER Wonderful or Wicked:
WonderfulWhims adds some unique features to your game that gives you more wellness and woohoo features, including:
- Attractiveness
- Relationships
- Impressions
- Birth Control
- Woohoo Features
- Menstrual Cycle
It does ALL of these things in a very meaningful way to give you a more realistic gameplay experience. Once it’s added to your game, you can personalize it so it works best for you.
WickedWhims is the XXX version of WonderfulWhims.
You get everything you get with WonderfulWhims, with the addition of other nudity features, pubic hair, voyeurism and even a Strip Club Business.
It’s actually a ton of fun if you’re not too shy to take it for a spin – but I fully admit that it’s a bit too much for most of my gameplay. There are A LOT of people that play it and absolutely love it.
If you want your game to be a little more ‘adult’ then WickedWhims is must-have.

3. SimDa Dating App by LittleMsSam
The SimDa Dating App is perfect for anyone who thinks the traditional dating gameplay in the sims is dull (you know, like me). Yes, you can rig your way around it, but I like things that are easy.
With this little mod, your sim can use their phone to go on a date with ANYONE in your game. What I like is that you can use the blind date function to pair your sim up with single sims. When I’m looking for a partner for my sim, I like to go on a round or two of blind dates – and this app makes it EASY!
4. Woohoo is Exercise by Candyd
The Woohoo is Exercise mod is something that should be included in the base game – in my humble opinion. But it’s not, so we need a mod for it. This mod allows your sims to skip the gym and take care of those extra calories in a more fun way.
HOWEVER, only the base game woohoo spots have been modded. So, if your sim wants to get busy to slim down that waistline they’ll need to do it the old-fashioned way… in a double bed, the telescope or in the rocket ship.

5. Make Love, Not WooHoo by Jogre
The Make Love, Not WooHoo Mod is EXACTLY what it sounds like – it essentially changes out all of the WooHoos to more realistic terms.
Specifically, the modder has replaced all 62 strings inside the en_us strings table for “WooHoo” with either “Have Sex” (and its variants) or “Make Love” (and its variants) – you can choose which one you download.
It doesn’t look like this mod has been updated in a while, so it’s worth noting that there might be some that are missed… especially in newer EPs.

6. Better WooHoo Reactions by Plumlace
For those that want to spice up their WooHoo reactions, this is the mod for you.
It simply changes the acceptance reaction from cheering to something that’s more sensible and flirty (could you imagine that IRL). It also gives you multiple reactions and it’ll randomize them as you play.
The best part is, this mod is base game compatible.

7. No Strings Attached by Lumpinou
The No Strings Attached mod adds a new relationship type to your game, “Friends With Benefits.” It essentially allows for romanceless relationships, those with this relationship type has a romance bar that stays at 10 – they won’t be jealous of each other.
Sims that are young adults and older can be “Friends With Benefits” – and they can ask anyone who is NOT a partner or past partner. You will find a NEW relationship menu where you’ll find all the interactions that applies to that relationship (instead of using the romance ones).

8. Pillow Talk After Woohoo by Shimrod101
If you want a little something else after woohoo, then the pillow talk mod is for you.
This mini mod adds 5 new animations into the game – they were actually already in the game but not in use. It’s not an AMAZING gameplay mod but it takes some super cute pictures.
This mod also replaces the “Big Finish” aka the fireworks and bouncing, with these more simplistic, picture-perfect mods.

9. No, Sleep after Woohoo! by PolarBearSims
This mod modifies woohoo ever so slightly – so that regardless of how tired they don’t fall asleep right after. It’s worth noting that if they’re tired, they’ll still be tired once they stood up and probably want to sleep… this doesn’t mean the mod isn’t working.
You cannot use both the No, Sleep and Pillow Talk mods together as they override the same file – so pick one or the other.

10. The Sims 4 H*e It Up by Sacrificial
Not shockingly, this Sims 4 woohoo mod is NSFW and not OK for all sim players. It add s*x work to your gameplay, allowing your sims to:
- Pole dance
- Lap dance
- Service customers
You get a few fun functional objects, and a whole new freelance-style career. This woohoo mod also works hand-in-hand with WickedWhims but it does override a few features.

11. Babies for Everyone by Tanja1986
While not exactly a woohoo mod, Babies for Everyone gives all sims equal opportunity to have babies – elders, same-sex couples, men. It’s a great mod if you have specific gameplay in mind. However, there are a few caveats:
- The mod DOES NOT allow you to choose who gets pregnant – one, none or both could
- The above applies to straight couples, the dude can be the pregnant one
It’s worth noting that you can go into CAS and change who can give/get pregnancy for each sim so same sex couples do not need this particular mod to secure a non-science baby childbirth.

12. Ghosts Can Have Babies by PolarBearSims
Technically the Ghosts Can Have Babies mod isn’t added for “realistic gameplay” purposes, but it does enhance your gameplay if you do a lot of ghostly gameplay. This mod does EXACTLY what it sounds like – allows ghosts to have babies.
13. Less Success for Try for Baby by Neia
The game’s “try for a baby” success rate is naturally set at 80%, this mod decreases that. You get to choose what percentage (from a few set choices) that you want in your game.

14. MC Command Center by Deaderpool
MC Command Center (MCCC) is a MASSIVE mod that can change your entire gameplay, if you know how to use it correctly.
There’s an add-on to this mod called MC WooHoo that allows you to customize your preferences inside your game. You can use MCCC without this add-on, but if you want to enhance your WooHoo experience, this is the download for you.

15. Cycle by NeonOcean
The Cycle mod adds both menstruation and woohoo risk as problems your sims must deal with. Clearly this mod does what some of the other mods on the list does, so choose your downloads wisely.
With this mod you can introduce contraceptives into your gameplay, along with downloading an “app” to help track your sim’s cycle when it’s time to expand the family. It’s a cute little app that’s not quite as big as some of them on this list, but still impactful.

16. Any Caregiver Can Give the WooHoo Talk by lazarusinashes
This is a simple tuning mod that changes the game so ANY caretaker can give the “WooHoo Talk” to teens. Previously they had to have the son/daughter relationship tag, this mod simply changes that.

17. WooHoo Lover Trait by KiaraSims4Mods
If you like adding custom traits to your game, the WooHoo Lover is for you. This cc was mainly built for Don Lothario, and gives sims who have it special woohoo-related buffs.

18. Woohoo/TryforBaby Interaction Hider by Foamimi
This is a tiny mod that hids the woohoo/try for baby interaction during certain moods, and situations. For example, it’ll hid it when your sims are energized but make sure to show it when they’re flirty.

19. Shower Woohoo Tweaks by MizoreYukii
This mini mod makes some small changes to the Shower WooHoo – note that you need Discover University for this to work (because the shower woohoo comes in that pack).
With this mod your sims will first spin out of their clothes (instead of simply jumping into the shower fully clothed). It will fill up their hygiene bar and change the woohoo acceptance animation. This mod might conflict with other woohoo related mods.

20. Plain Interactive (WooHoo) Bushes by Ellawese
If you want just a plain-but-interactive bush your sims can woohoo in, this is for you. It essentially just replaces the woohoo bush you get that has hearts all over it, and makes it both normal and decorative.

21. Open Love Life by Lumpinou
Another mod that adds more relationship diversity into the game is Open Love Life.
This gives your sims exclusivity preferences, adds couples, throuples and other partners, and help you open up relationships.
This isn’t a woohoo mod per-say, but it does ultimately modify the woohoo in your game as it helps curb things like jealousy and provides an “approval” setting for partners.

22. Romantic Massage by LittleMsSam
While not directly tied to woohooing, the romantic massage can certainly put your sims in the mood.
This interaction is specifically designed to work with the massage table, so you’ll need Spa Day to make it work. This will ONLY work if your sims have at least a romantic interest and they’re on the same lot.

23. Kiss Neck For Adults by Shimrod101
This is a simple romantic action available for adult sims that have at least had their first kiss. It’s EXACTLY what it sounds like – it allows your sims to use the kiss neck interaction.

24. Risky Woohoo & Try For Baby Chances by PolarBearSims
This is another mod that adjusts the risky woohoo and try for baby changes, but it adds a little bit more. With this mod, you get:
- Pregnancy buffs for teens
- Woohoo changed to “Risky Woohoo”
- Possible infertility
- Possible pregnancy difficulties
- All sims will have a different fertility level
- Increase in chances based on location
- Variety of flavors for each category
- Pregnancy test with woohoo/risky woohoo
- Decrease in chances based on location
- Age groups have different fertility levels
- Wishing well, fertility message and fertility is not always a guarantee pregnancy
- 100% isn’t always a guarantee pregnancy
- Certain traits will either increase or decrease risky woohoo chances

25. No Mosaic / Censor Mod for The Sims 4 by moxiemason
The final mod for this list gets rid of the censor in the Sims 4 game. Essentially this just adjusts your game so you don’t see the mosaic/censor.

Final Thoughts: Sims 4 Woohoo Mods
Regardless of what kind of Sims 4 woohoo mods you’re looking for, there are plenty of options out there.
Whether you want something that changes your pregnancy and wellness settings to something that provides you a whole new woohoo experience – there are PLENTY of things to choose from.
Which Sims 4 woohoo mod will you add to your game next?